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Compact control device
Magnifications: 50X to 330X
Fields of view: from 1.7x1.0mm to 11.3x6.3mm
Dual optics for the measurement of cutting tools
Table ranges: 150x70mm to 200x100mm
Magnifications: 40X to 920X
Fields of view: 0.6x0.4mm to 14.7x9.2mm
Dual optics for the measurement of two opposite faces
Table ranges: 150x70mm to 200x100mm
(manual or motorized)
Magnifications: 20X to 235X
Fields of view: 1.8x1.5mm to 24.5x18.4mm
Granit column for very high rigidity
Table ranges: 150x70mm to 200x100mm
(manual or motorized)
Magnifications: 18X to 470X
Fields of view: 1.0x0.8mm à 29.7x19.9mm
Fast measurement and high vertical clearance
Table ranges: 25x25mm to 150x70mm
Magnifications: 20X to 465X
Fields of view: 1.0x0.8mm to 21.1x15.8mm
video measuring devices - OpenSYS•
quick-displacement Z column
Large XY ranges
Table ranges: 150x100mm to 300x300mm
Magnifications: 25X to 500X
Fields of view: 1.0x0.8mm to 18.3x13.7mm